Benefits of electronic forms

Benefits to users who fill in the forms
Users prefer electronic forms
In general, users prefer to complete online electronic forms rather than fill in forms by hand. The ability to edit and correct errors and to cut and paste text are things people have come to expect. So too are features such as drop down menus, check boxes and spell checkers all of which help make electronic forms pleasant and easy to use.
Saving and retrieving allows users to work on their forms when convenient
Part-completed forms can be password protected and saved and retrieved later for further work. Also, if the forms are hosted in the cloud, multiple users can access and work on the same form from different locations allowing the form-filling to be a co-operative exercise.
Benefits to organisations that receive the forms
Saves effort and reduces errors
Organisations that receive electronic forms do not need to expend effort deciphering hand-written forms and transcribing data, so transcription errors are eliminated.
Improves quality of submitted applications
Possibly because form filling is made easier and more flexible for users, the number of ‘well-considered’ applications received tends to be significantly higher.
Data submitted integrates easily into workflow processes
The submitted data can be readily transferred to the receiving organisation’s databases and workflows thereby helping to streamline back-office processes.
Minimal administrative overheads
Where solutions are hosted in the cloud, users can link seamlessly to the form from the organisation’s website. This minimises technical and administrative overheads.