Collecting information for the NHS


PDF Acroforms solutions for the National Health Service (NHS)

Over the past few years Evenlogic has provided a number of PDF forms solutions to the NHS to enable the collection of management information using interactive questionnaire forms.

The solutions are referred to by the NHS as the Organisational Readiness Self-Assessment (ORSA) tool and the Annual Organisational Audit (AOA) tool and are respectively concerned with establishing the readiness of NHS bodies operating revalidation for doctors and with collecting data from these bodies.

The tools are based on Evenlogic’s PDF electronic forms technology, eForms (which uses Acroforms), and are used by all NHS designated bodies. Users filling in the questionnaire forms incorporated into the toolkits are able to save part-completed copies to their PC for further work. When they are happy with the information that they have entered, they press a “submit by email” button. This extracts the data from the form and creates an email with the data attached. The email and its attachment are then sent to an NHS mailbox where server-side software transfers the data to a database for processing.

Evenlogic was responsible for the development and support of the toolkits and the server-side software.